Mining Extraction Methods

Open Pit Mining


Underground mining

Placer Mining
Placer Mining

French Alphabet Song


Watch the video to help practice the letters of the alphabet, then listen to the examples of words to learn the sounds the letters make.



Ancient Chinese moving piece puzzle, consisting of 7 pieces made using 3 basic geometric shapes.  There are two large, one medium and two small triangles, one square and one parallelogram.

We have been learning about shapes (2D) and sorting them by attributes.  

Well I found a great website, that lets you manipulate the pieces by FLIPPING or TURNING them right on your computer screen.  Once you figure out how to do that, try  to create different shapes using just two pieces of the tangrams.

Can you make a square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapeziod?

Once you've done that, click on one of the puzzles at the bottom.  Be prepared to be challenged, and stumped at times, but don't give up!

Give it a try by clicking here.

French in the Lab

Today we are going to practice listening to and recognizing the letters in the l'alphabet francais.

Please click here.  Then under the L'alphabet heading click on vocabularie to practice the letters in French. Make sure you have your headphones.  When you are ready you can try the exercice section.  In this section, the computer will name a letter and you will have to click on the letter named.



Today I want you to write a paragraph about yourself.  What do you want to share with others about yourself?  What do you like to do?  What are your favourite things?  Who is part of your family?

Please write your paragraph here.  When you write your paragraph write it as if someone else is writing it about you.  So instead of saying, "I like playing hockey."  say, "Mrs. Loland likes playing hockey."

When you are finished click 'Go'.

Welcome to WORDLE!

Bridge Craft


The Euwins are little creatures who live in a far away solar system.  They lived a peaceful existence unit one day, out of nowhere, a massive tidal wave appeared and nearly washed away their entire city!  In order to rebuild their city the Euwins need your help!  

Craft a bridge, by clicking the green anchor point you would like to start from, and draw a bridge line to where you want the Bridgecraft piece to end. Don't forget - there is a size limit for each Bridgecraft piece of bridge!  The Bridgecraft Euwins can walk on deck pieces. Bridgecraft Steel can strengthen a bridge and make it more sturdy, but is expensive to purchase. Bridgecraft Rope is a weaker tool for strengthening a bridge, but is inexpensive to purchase.  Always be sure to keep track of your Bridgecraft budget after buying Bridgecraft materials! If you run out of money, you won't be able to build all the bridges the Euwins need! 


Click here to begin playing!

Earth Rangers

Check out the website below, and learn even more about biodiversity and how we can help bring back the wild.


Biodiversity is the difference between all living things on earth.  When you look around you at the natural world; you will find that very few things are EXACTLY alike.

But, biodiversity is being threatened.  You can help by:
  • saving energy
  • recycling and reusing
  • being a smart shopper
  • investigating your area
  • using efficient transportation
  • don't buy things made from endangered animals

Check out the link below for more information and begin playing "Make Me a Home."

Gr. 4's Newspaper Link

Grade 4's this is the link to the newspaper link assignment.  Click on it when you are ready to add your article.  Remember you cannot save your work on this site, so only add your article when you are finished writing.


Blogging 101


We have two items on the agenda today and 45 minutes to get them accomplished, so work hard!

1.  Blogging. Click this link: and login to your blog with your first name and last initial.  I will explain what your password is once everyone has arrived on "site". :)

2. When finished your post, check your email. Don't print, just read.  When you are finished reading you can immediately begin working on a reply.  Remember your letter format.  Raise your hand when you are finished, so I can read your letter before you send.

For those of you with two buddies, many of you have not sent your first letter to your second buddy.  Please do this!  They are eagerly awaiting your reply.


Grade 4 check out this link:

Grade 3 check out this link:

Add to your research!!!

Email your buddy...

Today in the lab we will be sending a reply email to our pen pals.

1. Open First Class.

2. Login.
3. Open the email that was sent to you from your buddy.
4. Select Reply in the upper left corner.

5. A new window should open.  Begin typing your letter.

Please raise your hand when you are finished.  I would like to read your emails before you send them.


Yes, it is true!  It is time for you to have your own school email account.  Today in the lab, we are going to set up our accounts and send a test email.

Here we go:

1. Click on the first class icon (or search for it in spotlight).

2. Login using the number I give you as your name and password.

3. Go under the Collaborate menu to Change password


4. Change your password to your initials - first and last.

Now you are ready to send a test email!

New Message Window

Click New message.

1. Type a subject for your email - today you can type "test"

2. Type the email address of the person you wish to send you email to - today type "julie loland" and my name will come up

3. Type your message here.

4. Click Send at the top of the page to send your message.

Writing Survey

We have spent a lot of time working on writing.  Some of you really enjoy it, while others seemed to have some negative feelings towards the process.  I want to know your thoughts about writing and so I have put together a survey for you to complete.  Please be honest with your answers.  Your feelings are your feelings and your marks are not based on them.

Please complete the survey you will find here.

Graphing using Numbers

Today we are going to start exploring the Mac based spreadsheet program called, Numbers.  I love this program because it creates beautiful products like this:

1. Plug your earphones into the computer.

2. Now, click on this link: Numbers.

3. Watch the Numbers Overview video on the website.

4.  Find the Numbers icon on your computer and begin setting up your graph (more on this next lab).

Commenting on a blog

Did you know that you don't have to just read our class website, but can write on it too?  Blogsites (like our class website) provides readers with an opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts about a topic posted as well.  Please visit our class website at

Your job is to leave a comment on the blogpost titled: "Colours and what they represent."

Colour In Motion

Today we are going to explore a fabulous site called Color In Motion.  Head to the site by clicking on this link , Colour In Motion.  Start by exploring the site and learn about each of the colour characters.  In a moment we will stop and watch some of the movies together on the projector.

As you explore, be thinking about which colour most represents you!